Denville Township Board of Education Honors Dr. Arunajatesan for Completing His 3-Year Term

Denville Now Staff By Denville Now Staff
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Photo Credit: Superintendent Dr. Steven Forte

Dr. Venu Arunajatesan was honored with a token of appreciation at the Denville Township Board of Education meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024. As his 3-year term comes to an end on December 31, BOE President Won James Kim presented him with a clock as a gesture of thanks for his service.

“It has been an honor and a pleasure serving on the Denville Township Board of Education for the past four years with Dr. Venu Arunajatesan,” Kim said. “Venu will be missed. His kindness and enthusiasm have been inspiring. Additionally, he possesses very specific organizational and planning skills. His expertise and endless dedication have been valuable assets to this board and this community. I hope you will think of us, Venu, each time you look towards this clock. Thank you for your time and commitment to the students of the Denville Township School District.”

Dr. Arunajatesan began his term on the Board in 2022 and has been a dedicated member.

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